Yellow Jade


Yellow jade is an uncommon gemstone that harnesses potent fire energy, aids in positive radical change within, and promotes stronger self-belief, self-definition, and self-identity. This benefits people with low self-worth, lack of self-trust, and victim mentality

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Yellow jade is an excellent gem to build up confidence and identify true version of oneself. It is associated with fire energy which resembles identity, self-definition and ego. It dispels all negative thoughts and energies imparting wisdom in silence and tranquillity. It enables self-sufficiency.

It helps to disburse emotion in a healthy and appropriate way and brings emotional well-being. It is a magical dream gem that has power to release thoughts and emotions as dream and helps to work on making them success by enhancing personal power.

Yellow jade is an uncommon gemstone that harnesses potent fire energy, aids in positive radical change within, and promotes stronger self-belief, self-definition, and self-identity. This benefits people with low self-worth, lack of self-trust, and victim mentality.

Note: This is a natural product, size and shape of all stones will vary.