Transient Light Tarot Cards


An 81 Card Deck & Guidebook

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No matter what is happening in life, things keep moving and we are constantly growing, learning and
expanding. Moments are fleeting and every day brings an opportunity for change. This is the beauty
of transience and the message at the core of
 Transient Light Tarot by artist Ari Wisner (they/them).

This powerful 81-card tarot beautifully captures the essence and qualities of the classic figures but has moved away from stereotypes so that each and every one of us can find ourselves within it.
Transient Light Tarot is also plastic-free and includes three extra cards – past, present and future – as a way to focus your intentions on one area of your life. The accompanying guidebook includes 29
bespoke poems by Fausta Joly as an additional way to connect with the cards.

Inspired by Ari’s own journey towards embracing the inevitability of endings, this deck aims to help you embrace transience, so you can find healing, gratitude and the bravery to live more
authentically and fully.